A lot of thought normally goes into what goes on to your sweetheart table, right down to the tiniest details. What kind of linens, the floral arrangements, .even the Mr and Mrs signs on the back of the chairs. But from a photographers perspective, what goes on behind the table can sometimes be more important that what is on the table. Here are some of my suggestions for you.
Big windows might not be what you imagined
Sometimes, the venue that you choose has spectacular views outside and they take advantage of this with huge windows. These windows do pose a few problems for photographers, though. If your reception is at night, these views will not show up in the photos. There is also a big chance for reflections from the photographers flash showing up in photos in an unflattering manner. Another consideration is also for your guests. If you are sitting with a window at your back and the sun is shining directly in, they will have a hard time looking at you. If you have to have your backs to a window, try to choose a window facing the north or south. This will ensure no direct light is shining in, and will light the scenery better. My bride and groom in this photo wisely chose to sit between two giant windows with a wall to their backs.

Plain walls are uninteresting
Having your sweetheart table with a plain wall as a backdrop does not make for interesting photos. If that is all that is available to you, maybe consider dressing the wall up with some lighting. Colored uplights are the fastest way to change the look of a plain wall. If possible, the addition of drapes adds texture. White drapes look amazing with some uplights. In this wedding, my bride and groom had sheer white drapes with uplights behind them.

Add character
Placing your table in front of a wall with patterns, like wallpaper or a brick wall can add a lot of character. In the absence of these options, floral arrangements, a piece of art, a collage of photos, or like at this wedding where my bride and groom were sitting in front of a stained glass window.

Floral arrangements add charm
If you have an interesting backdrop, like artwork, or something more rustic like the window pane like the previous picture, you can add just a little extra character by adding a floral arrangement to bracket the bride and groom. In this photo, the mirror reflects the elegant decor in the wedding venue, featuring an amazing chandelier. But it would not have been as elegant without the flowers by its side. adding just a nice little pop of color.

Sweetheart tables offer you the ability to spend time alone with your new spouse on your wedding day. No matter what you decide to do, just make sure you take the time to share this moment with each other. It is your day, after all.