Venice. California. It would seem almost preposterous if you had to describe it. And yet, when you get there, you feel like you belong. Energized and youthful even. It is the same stretch of beach as Santa Monica, just up the street, but feels more like its bizarre and artistic sibling, in the best possible way. My couple were visiting from Hong Kong and had decided to do an engagement shoot here before their wedding. We couldn't think of anywhere more recognizably SoCal in a compact space.

The beach featuring those lifeguard towers made famous by Bay Watch offer wonderful opportunities for a photographer. For us that call Southern California home, these towers are just another thing that we might take for granted, but for those from far away, it is an iconic structure. And our classic sunsets make for great photos.

Right next to the sand, we have the Venice Beach Boardwalk. This is the beating heart of Venice. Fun and entertaining performers, talented musicians, artists selling their work, skaters doing tricks. It all happens right there. And with a collection of so many creative people, it is no wonder that there is some amazing graffiti.

This is just one of the public art graffiti walls in Venice. Yes, it is legal to graffiti these walls, you just need a permit to do so. Pretty amazing, quite honestly. And it really lends itself well to photographs. So vibrant and colorful.

Tucked away just a little behind the hustle and bustle of the boardwalk are the canals. Lush and green with punches of color and beautiful bridges, you could not hope for a more beautiful backdrop. Just keep walking around and you are bound to see lots of cool little details

The canals were the brainchild of developer Abbot Kinney, and was his attempt to recreate the canals of Venice, in Italy. In the 1920's, the canals were replaced by roads and mostly in disrepair till they were renovated in the 1990's. I am sure glad they did, and they did a great job. I love shooting photos around here.

All in all, Venice is a great location to shoot photos. Between the beach, the boardwalk and the canals, you can get an amazing range of backdrops in a relatively small distance. It can be very intimate, and it is always entertaining. It is probably one of my more favorite places to shoot in Los Angeles.

Venice is definitely a bit quirky. But in a good way. I am reminded of a quote by Dr Seuss.
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”
I think this sums up Venice pretty well. If you can think it, it is probably here. And if its not, you should do it.